Brave browser not blocking ads
Brave browser not blocking ads

Yesterday the media companies sent a letter to Brave, calling its browser illegal and describing the business model as copyright infringement. The revenue generated by the ads is then split between the web publisher, Brave, and users, with the final group getting paid in Bitcoin. This browser blocks adverts and replaces them with less-toxic ads sourced through a trusted ad network.

brave browser not blocking ads

Users have been blocking adverts in web browsers since long before Apple made content-filtering a core feature in iOS 9 last year, and there are even web browsers which offer ad-blocking as a built-in feature, but Brave takes the idea one step further.

brave browser not blocking ads

No fewer that seventeen web publishers, including the Washington Post, Gannett, and the Tribune company, have signed off on a letter which calls the browser’s built-in ad-blocking features ”blatantly illegal.”

brave browser not blocking ads

Brave put itself on a collision course with web publishers when it announced its ad-filtering web browser in January, so it should come as no surprise that a bevy of media companies have responded to last week’s launch with legal threats.

Brave browser not blocking ads